Latest update from Bexhill Town Board:

Exciting news!

We are delighted that, following a review after the General Election, the Long Term Plan for Towns funding of up to £20 million for Bexhill-on-Sea has been re-confirmed, subject to us sending a plan that is agreed.

We are still waiting for further details and funding priorities from the Government may change from the previous funding themes, but we hope a lot of the ideas you have helped us to identify in our community and business engagement will still be relevant.

Funded through:

The programme will still be based on engagement with local people, businesses and community organisations.

The funding for projects will be available from April 2026 so we have more time to work through our plans and share them with you.

The Bexhill Town Board Chair, Abi Newbury FCA, said:

“As a whole Board we have worked together to make the strongest possible case to Government for our funding allocation to be reconfirmed. At our meetings with representatives of the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, we have emphasised the community and business engagement we have already done and how we are working together across different organisations to co-operate for the benefit of the people of Bexhill-on-Sea. We are so pleased to continue the work we have made such a good start on.”

We are now awaiting a revised timeline and deadline for submission of plans, with any changes in the funding criteria. Of course, we will keep you updated here as soon as we have any new information.

In the meantime, thank you very much for your support and interest in the Bexhill Town Board.

About Bexhill Town Board

Bringing together expertise from people with many diverse backgrounds and interests, the Bexhill Town Board has been set up to make decisions on the best ways to invest almost £20 million funding from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.  

We are still awaiting final timescales, but we expect to submit our 10 year vision and 3 year investment plan to the Government by Autumn 2025. Following this, we expect that the funding will come down to Bexhill over 10 years from 2026.  

This is a long term plan, and we won’t see all the changes straight away, but we will work alongside communities and businesses over the 10 years to make sure our priorities reflect local people’s needs and views as much as possible.  

The Town Board Members are all proud to serve the town, helping to make the most of this fantastic opportunity. Our aim is to improve the prosperity of the town and empower the community and businesses to share ownership and pride in Bexhill.  

We have already heard from people in the community who have put forward ideas for developing the town and we are continuing to talk to community groups, businesses and residents as we explore different approaches for the use of the funding. We hope others will also take this chance to take pride in what our town has to offer to residents and visitors, and to help us deliver a real legacy for the future. 

Launch meeting of the Bexhill Town Board May 2024
Thanks to Simon Newbury –


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